
San Jose Complex Divorce Lawyer

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No matter the situation surrounding your California divorce, these experiences are never easy for any of the parties involved. There are several emotional aspects that can increase the challenges faced by individuals seeking divorce, and there are many elements that can cause these legal cases to become complicated and convoluted. If you find yourself facing a complex divorce, you need a San Jose complex divorce lawyer to represent your rights and interests.

Divorce is never a quick and easy process. These legal proceedings call for patience, communication, and time. When there are added layers of complexity, such as those regarding property division or child custody arrangements, the simple proceedings of a divorce can become exponentially more difficult. At the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye, our team has nearly 30 years of experience assisting clients facing a wide range of family law issues, like complex divorces.

What Is a Complex Divorce in California?

The term “complex divorce” is a legal phrase used to encompass divorce cases that operate outside the standard divorce proceedings. In simple divorce cases, most couples have only a handful of real estate holdings, such as the marital home, perhaps share children and can work through the divorce process together in an amicable and constructive way. As difficult as even a standard divorce can be, they are still fairly simple to work through.

Complex divorces, however, often include substantial marital or community assets that can be difficult to divide and cause tension to arise between the divorcing couple. In some complex divorce situations, there is a business owned by the couple, which can lead to complicated and contentious debates. In other cases, the couple can simply not agree on how to proceed with their divorce case. This can cause delays to occur and extensive complications.

Securing a Better
Future for Your Family

In California, complex divorces are still subject to the standards of divorce law and it is vital that you find yourself an attorney who has experience with this law and with complicated marriage dissolution cases. This can help the process move smoothly and quickly even as you and your soon-to-be ex-work to iron out the more complicated topics regarding your split.

If you believe your divorce will be deemed complex due to the factors that are involved, hiring an attorney is the wisest choice to make.

How the Family Law Attorneys at the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye Can Help

For almost three decades, the team at the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye has been assisting clients facing a wide range of divorce-related issues. We have extensive experience in dealing with several areas of divorce, including property division, child custody, and alimony, or spousal support. We understand the inner workings of divorce law and how complex divorce cases are affected by the rules and regulations of the state.

When you choose to work with the family law attorneys at the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye, you can count on us to keep your interests and rights in the forefront of our minds when assisting you through your San Jose complex divorce. We can do this by using the knowledge and skills provided to us through years of experience. These skills and knowledge can include:

  • Family law knowledge. Most complex divorce cases will interact with several areas of family law. Having a California family law specialist like the ones at the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye can help ensure that no matter what occurs during your divorce process, we can use our knowledge of the laws and legal system to ensure that you are not caught unawares and that nothing you agree to is unfair.
  • Property division skills. We are also highly skilled in the area of property division and understand how these intricate laws work in the state of California. We can help offer you the sense of relief that comes with being able to trust that your hard-earned assets are protected and can only be divided in a fair and legal way.
  • Negotiation. Emotions and tensions can run high in any divorce case, especially those of a complex divorce. We can serve as a voice of calm and reason during any mediation or negotiation situation and assist the divorcing parties in reaching an agreement they feel is fair and reasonable on whatever topic of divorce is currently at play.
  • Court representation. If you and your divorcing spouse are unable to come to an agreement on an area of your divorce, you will most likely need to go before a judge who will make this decision for you. In these scenarios, having the assistance of a family law attorney from the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye can help relieve unnecessary fear and confusion as we work to present your case and protect your interests in an effective way.

Factors That Can Make a San Jose Divorce Complex

There are several factors involved in divorce cases that can make them be considered complex in San Jose. These factors can include:

  • Owning assets of high value, such as offshore accounts, several real estate holdings, and various investments.
  • Owning a business as its value and future will need to be taken into consideration in a divorce case. If both parties wish to continue running the business, there will need to be a decision made on who will end up keeping ownership and who will be bought out.
  • Owning a business that was established before marriage and has appreciated in value during marriage.
  • Child custody and spousal support can also cause a divorce case to become complex, as tensions and emotions can run extremely high due to these factors.

Speak to a Professional Family Law Specialist Today

If you are facing a complex divorce in San Jose, California, you need the assistance of a family law specialist. Without legal representation, you may agree to something you will later regret. At the Law Offices of Rod Firoozye, we can review the details of your complex divorce and ensure that your rights and interests are protected, no matter what areas of contention are present. Trust us to keep your wishes in mind and seek a positive case outcome. Contact our offices today.

Here for Your
Family’s Legal Needs

Contact me today. I represent clients from throughout California from my law
offices in San Jose. For your convenience, I accept all major credit cards.
